Teams-/Job description
Here you can find the list of teams and their tasks. If you have further questions, have a look at the FAQ.
Awareness & Inclusion
Awareness & Incluion, our task is to ensure that everyone experiences a wonderful con! :3
Contact: Sam/Mel - Telegram @Sam_Mel Mstr f Dstrctn - Telegram @Mstr_f_Dstrctn
Dealers' Den: Helper
You will do nice things for our attendees.
Internal Staff
You need to be Staff
Logistics: Helper
Staff: Logistics member
Stage Assistant
Everyone who is willing to help and e.g. to move some chairs is welcome.
If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Email.
Stage Hand
Stage hands are the bedrock of the stage team. Every lighting fixture, every speaker and microphone is only there because a hand moved it. This position is essential during setup and breakdown.
If you want to volunteer in this Crittertype, you must attend at one Safety Briefing.
If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Email.
CAUTION: Please do NOT use the leave function to leave the Crittertype group. If you leave, you'll have to attend again at a safety briefing.
Stage Hand (with PPE)
Stage hands are the bedrock of the stage team. Every lighting fixture, every speaker and microphone is only there because a hand moved it. This position is essential during setup and breakdown. They also supervise the Stage Assistants.
If you want to volunteer in this Angeltype, you should bring your own PPE with you. PPE includes safety shoes and protective gloves. The safety shoes should correspond to class S3 or S7. Also the participation at a Safety Briefing is required.
If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Email.
CAUTION: Please do NOT use the leave function to leave the Angeltype group. If you leave, you'll have to attend again at a safety briefing.
Stage: Director
Stage Directors